Sex / Pornography Addiction Therapy

My name is Jeremy. I am 46 years old and addicted to online pornography. I have been obsessed with sex since I was 15. Most of the time I feel that there is just no hope for me – I am a desperately sick addict. My marriage is suffering because of my “secret,” and I don’t know what to do.

Yeah, I’m Mark. What do you want of me? These urges inside me are natural, aren’t they? I can’t help it if I like looking. Yeah, so I was fired from my job after a nosey coworker caught me visiting explicit Web sites. I didn’t hurt anybody. So, yeah, I’m probably angry now since my girlfriend started crying after she found out…



They literally color the lens through which you experience the world around you. The intensity, shade, and color are directly related to the nature of the habit.

Healthy habits stimulate growth, generate peace, and can diminish negative symptoms such as anxiety, stress, depression, and more.

Unhealthy habits, such as sex and pornography addiction, pollute every aspect of one’s life (physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual) whether he/she realizes it or not.

Those who are caught up in the jaws of sexual addiction often feel that it is futile to resist, subscribing to the theory that the impulses and physical cravings are “natural” and unable to be controlled.


“So what can you do to help me?”

My philosophy at Lost and Found in dealing with any addiction goes deeper than simply advising you to quit. Together, we will determine the driving forces beneath the surface of the habit. Once you become aware of the triggers that lead you to negative outcomes, you can acquire the power to change your response.

I will show you how. Call me at Lost and Found: (804) 991-8634